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When Might Surgical Orthodontics Be Needed?

Surgical orthodontics, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a type of orthodontic treatment used to correct severe cases that include bad bites, jawbone abnormalities, and malocclusion.

Surgical orthodontics may be used to treat adults with improper bites or other aesthetic concerns. Typically, the jaw stops growing by age 16 in females and 18 in males. In order to be a candidate for orthognathic surgery, the jaw must have completed growing. Surgical orthodontics is needed when the jaws don’t line up correctly and a proper bite can’t be achieved with orthodontic treatment alone.  

Orthognathic surgery will help properly align the jaws, which in conjunction with orthodontic braces will then be used to move the teeth into their proper position.

Using the latest in digital imaging technology we’ll demonstrate the overall functional and aesthetic benefits of orthognathic surgery. Computerised treatment planning minimises treatment times, recovery periods and the overall effectiveness of your surgery. State-of-the-art materials such as titanium plates and miniature screws provide stability, strength and predictability to your treatment. These advances in technology, procedures and equipment reduce post-surgical recovery time, allowing patients to return to their normal routines soon after the surgery.