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Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery or surgical orthodontics, may be required to correct abnormalities of the jaws and teeth that cannot be addressed using standard non-surgical orthodontic methods alone. 

Where there is a misalignment of the teeth or jaws (called a 'malocclusion'), complications may arise, such as problems with:

  • Chewing and biting.
  • Talking.
  • Sleeping (including sleep apnoea i.e. breathing problems when asleep).
  • Breathing.
  • Swallowing.
  • Jaw / joint pain and/or headache.
  • Excess wearing of teeth.

Misalignment is not uncommon, and may also be caused by birth defects, facial injury or more frequently genetic or family traits. Surgical orthodontics can correct these jaw and tooth misalignments but can only be carried out after the jaw has stopped growing, which normally occurs at age 16 in females and at age 18 in males.

Orthognathic surgery can correct bad or improper bites, protruding jaw, receding lower jaw and chin and other facial issues, for example being unable to make the lips meet without at least straining.

Using the latest in digital imaging technology, at Shine Orthodontics we can show you the overall functional and aesthetic benefits of orthognathic surgery. We use computerised treatment planning to minimise treatment times and recovery periods and enhance the overall effectiveness of your surgery. State-of-the-art materials such as titanium plates and miniature screws provide stability, strength and predictability to your treatment. These advances in technology, procedures and equipment reduce post-surgical recovery time, allowing our patients to return to their normal routines sooner after surgery.

Treatment will normally include standard orthodontics before and after surgery and may take a number of years to complete. Your orthodontist will give you a realistic estimate of the time required for your treatment to complete.